Coping Strategies and Self Care – Kari


Kari now listens to her body.


And yeah, I’ve just, I’ve learned to self pace and to really be very vigilant of how I’m feeling, and I can tell if I start to feel crappy or tired, I have to stop and rest. I can’t just, you know, prior COVID, I would just, you know, you’re kind of tired, but you just push through and you’re fine. If I were to push through now, I could be in bed for a week and can’t function … I’ve learned to listen to my body and, because I’m a giver, I would do for everybody else and go, go, go, and not worry about me … Now, it’s like I’ve learnt, you know, you have to listen to your body. When you start to feel crappy, you need to rest, you need to look after yourself. There’s that old adage and, you can’t look after everybody else until you’ve looked after yourself. Holy cow is that ever true, because that’s the one thing I’ve learned is that I need to be a priority for myself or I’m not going to be able to help anybody else. And that’s been a real big eye-opener for a personality like myself.

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